How To Invest In Yourself In Your 20s: Supercharge Your 20s With 4 Ways

Hey there, fellow 20-somethings! Can we all agree that this decade of our lives is exciting and daunting? We’re at a crossroads where we must make decisions that will impact the rest of our lives. But here’s the good news: we can shape our futures. One way to do that is by investing in yourself.

What does that mean, you ask? It means improving various aspects of our lives – our careers, health, finances, relationships, and personal growth. For instance, I’ve been investing in myself by learning new skills through online courses and attending networking events.

I’ve also been focusing on my physical and mental health by exercising regularly and practising mindfulness. These small steps may not seem like much now, but they’ll add up over time and help us become the best versions of ourselves. So let’s dive into why investing in yourself is crucial and how we can get started!

Some Ways On How To Invest In Yourself In Your 20s

Here are some ways How To Invest In Yourself In Your 20s. The ways that I am using to better myself and you can too:

1. Personal Development

How To Invest In Yourself In Your 20s - Personal Development

Personal development is all about improving yourself, both mentally and emotionally. It’s a continuous process that helps you unlock your full potential and become the best version of yourself. Investing in personal development can have numerous benefits, including increased self-awareness, improved self-confidence, better decision-making skills, and enhanced communication skills.

Ways to Invest in Personal Development:

Here are some ways that I take part in or try to be a part of when it comes to investing in personal development:

1. Reading self-help books or articles:

Reading self-help books or articles is an excellent way to improve oneself and gain a new perspective on life. Such books provide practical tips, strategies, and insights to help individuals overcome personal challenges, build confidence, increase productivity, and achieve their goals.

They cover various topics, including wellness, relationships, spirituality, career growth, financial management, and more. The key to benefiting from self-help literature is to find the right book that resonates with personal interests and needs. Here are some useful self-help books that I have read or am reading that are worth checking out:

  1. The Power of Now by Eckhart Tolle
  2. The 7 Habits of Highly Effective People by Stephen Covey
  3. Atomic Habits by James Clear
  4. How to Win Friends and Influence People by Dale Carnegie
  5. The Alchemist by Paulo Coelho
  6. You Are a Badass by Jen Sincero
  7. The Subtle Art of Not Giving a F*ck by Mark Manson

2. Taking classes or online courses:

Taking classes or online courses has become increasingly popular in recent years. It’s a fantastic way to continue learning and gain new skills without physically attending a traditional brick-and-mortar institution. I love taking online courses because they allow me to learn at my own pace and on my schedule, which is perfect for someone like me who has a busy work and personal life.

Many great websites offer online courses, including Udemy, Coursera and Skillshare. For example, I recently took an online course on Udemy about social media marketing that helped me improve my skills in that area. Additionally, I’ve taken several personal development courses on Skillshare that have helped me become more confident and productive in my daily life.

3. Pursuing hobbies or activities that challenge you to grow and learn:

One of the best things you can do for yourself is to pursue hobbies or activities that challenge you to grow and learn. Not only does it keep your mind active, but it also helps you develop new skills and abilities, which can be incredibly rewarding.

I’ve always enjoyed learning new things, so I’ve tried to find hobbies that push me out of my comfort zone. For example, I recently started a hobby of rock climbing. It’s physically and mentally demanding but also an incredible rush when you make it to the top of a difficult route. These activities have helped me build confidence in myself and my abilities.

But there’s another activity that I’ve found to be just as beneficial, if not more so: journaling. Writing down your thoughts, feelings, and experiences can be a powerful tool for personal growth and development. It allows you to reflect on your life and gain insights into yourself that you might not have otherwise discovered.

Research has shown that journaling can help reduce stress, improve mood, boost creativity, and strengthen the immune system. So if you’re looking for a new hobby, consider picking up a journal and pen to paper.

If you want to learn more about the power of journaling, check out this blog post on The Power of Writing Things Down: How it Can Transform Your Life, which provides tips and insights on how to get started and make the most of this powerful tool for personal growth.

2. Career Development

How To Invest In Yourself In Your 20s - Career Development

Career success and financial stability go hand in hand. Investing in your career means improving your skills, knowledge, and opportunities for advancement. It also means developing a strong professional network to help you achieve your goals.

1. Attending seminars, workshops or conferences:

Attending seminars, workshops, or conferences is one of the most rewarding experiences that one can have in their professional life. It provides an opportunity to learn new skills, gain knowledge and network with like-minded individuals. I have attended several conferences over the years, each a unique experience.

One particular conference that stands out in my mind was focused on sustainability in the fashion industry. The speakers were passionate about creating a more sustainable future, and hearing about their work was inspiring.

Another workshop I attended focused on leadership skills, where we did team-building activities and learned how to communicate effectively with others. These experiences gave me new skills and allowed me to meet people from different backgrounds and industries, which broadened my perspective on various issues.

Workshops can also be conducted online through various platforms such as Zoom, Google Meet, Microsoft Teams, Skype, etc. Online workshops have become more popular recently due to the widespread use of technology and the convenience they offer. They allow participants from different geographic locations to attend the workshop without the need to travel.

Investing in skill development is another critical aspect of career success. Take courses or certifications to help you improve specific skills relevant to your job or field. Learning a new language or trade/skill can also make you more marketable and open up new opportunities for advancement.

2. Seeking a mentor or coach:

Seeking a mentor or coach can be a game-changer in your personal and professional life. It can help you achieve your goals, gain new perspectives, and provide support during challenging times.

Examples of seeking a mentor or coach could include finding someone in your industry who has achieved what you want to achieve and asking them to be your mentor. You could also consider hiring a professional coach specialising in areas you want to improve, such as leadership or public speaking.

Another option is joining a mentorship program such as those offered by professional associations or community organizations. Whatever approach you choose, seeking guidance from someone who has been there before can provide invaluable support on your journey towards success.

3. Health and Wellness

How To Invest In Yourself In Your 20s - Health and Wellness

Physical fitness is essential for maintaining good health and overall well-being. Regular exercise helps reduce stress levels, improves mood, strengthens the immune system, and reduces the risk of chronic diseases such as heart disease or diabetes.

Investing in physical fitness doesn’t have to be complicated; it can be as simple as joining a gym or taking fitness classes at your local community centre. Find an activity you enjoy; this will make it easier to stick with it long-term.

1. Regular exercise:

Regular exercise is one of the most important things you can do for your physical and mental health. I have experienced the benefits firsthand. Not only does exercise help me stay in shape, but it also boosts my mood and gives me the energy to tackle the day.

There are so many different types of exercise, so it’s easy to find something you enjoy. For example, I love going for a run outside. Some other ideas include lifting weights, swimming laps at the pool, or even walking around your neighbourhood after dinner.

2. Healthy diet:

Maintaining a healthy diet is crucial for physical and mental well-being. Eating a balanced diet keeps us fit and helps prevent various health issues like heart disease, diabetes, obesity, etc. I have experienced the difference between eating right and wrong. Sometimes, I indulged in unhealthy eating habits, which made me feel sluggish and demotivated.

3. Sleep:

Sleep is an essential part of our lives, yet so many of us struggle to get the recommended eight hours of shut-eye each night. I know I do! So many factors can affect our sleep, from stress and anxiety to poor sleeping habits and technology addiction. I find it difficult to switch off my brain at night, often tossing and turning for hours before finally falling asleep.

It’s frustrating because I know how important sleep is for my physical and mental health. Some things that have helped me in the past include creating a calming bedtime routine, limiting screen time before bed, and practising relaxation techniques like deep breathing or meditation. But it’s still a work in progress; some nights are better than others!

4. Avoid risky behaviours:

Avoiding risky behaviours is crucial to living a healthy and fulfilling life. I know this from personal experience. I am a Muslim, and being that I am far away from alcohol because it’s haram and don’t even smoke, I know some of my non-Muslim gaming friends in their 20s who struggle with alcohol and drug addiction. It has affected their health, relationships, and overall well-being.

It’s important to remember that our choices can have a lasting impact on our future. By avoiding risky behaviours and making healthier choices, we can create a better life for ourselves and those around us. It may not always be easy to resist temptation or peer pressure, but the rewards of living a safe and responsible life are worth it.

4. Financial Planning

How To Invest In Yourself In Your 20s - Financial Planning

Financial planning is crucial for ensuring long-term stability and security. It is the process of setting goals, creating a budget plan, and making informed investment decisions to achieve those goals. Without proper financial planning, you may struggle to pay for emergencies or unexpected expenses, face debt troubles or even struggle with retirement.

Ways To Invest In Financial Planning:

There are several ways to invest in financial planning, including:

1. Budgeting tools/resources:

Budgeting is essential for anyone wanting to control their finances and achieve their financial goals. However, knowing where to start or how to stay on track can be challenging. Luckily, many budgeting tools and resources are available that can help simplify the process and make it more manageable.

One of my favourite budgeting tools is the app called Mint. Mint allows you to track your spending, create a budget, and receive alerts when you review your budget in specific categories. I also like that it categorizes my spending automatically, so I can see exactly where my money is going.

Another helpful resource is Dave Ramsey’s Total Money Makeover book. This book provides practical advice on how to get out of debt, save money, and build wealth. It also includes personal stories from people who have successfully followed the program.

Lastly, I have found that creating a simple spreadsheet or using a printable budget template can effectively track my monthly spending and income. Having a clear picture of my finances, I can make informed decisions about how much I can afford to spend in different areas.

2. Saving & investment plan:

Saving an investment plan is a crucial step towards financial stability and security. It’s never too early or late to start saving and investing, but the earlier you start, the better. I have had my fair share of money struggles in the past, and it wasn’t until I started planning and saving that I realized the importance of having a solid financial plan.

One way to save is by setting a specific goal, like saving for a down payment on a house or an emergency fund. You can do this by automating your savings through direct deposit or setting up automatic monthly transfers to your savings account. Another way is to cut back on expenses that are not essential, like eating out or buying unnecessary items.

Investing is another crucial aspect of financial planning as it helps your money grow over time. Investing in stocks, mutual funds, and real estate are some ways to invest your money. Doing thorough research before investing is important as seeking professional advice if necessary.


Investing in yourself during your 20s is one of the best decisions you can make for your future. It’s when you have the energy, enthusiasm, and curiosity to try new things and explore different paths. I’ve experienced the benefits of investing in myself. By reading self-help books, taking online courses, attending workshops, and pursuing hobbies that challenge me to grow and learn, I’ve become more confident, productive, and fulfilled in my personal and professional life.

So take action today! Find something that resonates with you and commit to it. Whether it’s learning a new skill, seeking a mentor or coach or starting a healthy lifestyle practice – investing in yourself will pay off in the long run. Trust me; you won’t regret it!

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Fassih Fayyaz
Fassih Fayyaz

Fassih Fayyaz is a student and part-time affiliate and digital marketer. He is doing online marketing by Creating Several Websites And Youtube Channel on the internet and he loves blogging.