How To Take Notes During Online Classes and Courses – Ultimate Guide

In the current digital age, online classes and courses have become increasingly popular due to their convenience and flexibility. However, to take notes during online classes and courses can be challenging as it requires different techniques and strategies compared to traditional in-person classes. Effective note-taking is crucial for retaining information, understanding concepts, and preparing for exams. Therefore, it is essential to find the best way to take notes for online classes and courses.

This article aims to provide useful tips on how to take notes effectively during online lectures. It will discuss various digital note-taking tools that can be used to organize notes efficiently. Additionally, it will suggest study strategies that can help students retain information better. The article will also provide guidance on how to choose the most suitable note-taking method for online courses based on personal learning styles and preferences.

Effective note-taking can have numerous benefits, such as improved material comprehension, better information retention, and enhanced academic performance. This article aims to help students achieve these benefits by providing practical tips on taking notes during online classes and courses.

Understanding Your Learning Style To Take Notes During Online Classes

As a student, understanding your learning style is crucial for effective note-taking. There are different learning styles, such as visual, auditory, and kinesthetic. Assessing your learning style can help you determine which note-taking techniques work best for you. For example, if you are a visual learner, using mind maps or diagrams can aid in retaining information. On the other hand, if you are an auditory learner, recording lectures or discussions may be helpful. I have found that taking handwritten notes helps me retain information better than typing on a computer. As the famous quote goes,

“Tell me and I forget. Teach me and I remember. Involve me and I learn.”

– Benjamin Franklin.

Understanding your learning style and actively engaging in note-taking can involve you in the learning process and lead to better retention of information.

Preparing for Effective Note-Taking

Preparing for Effective Note-Taking

Effective note-taking is a crucial skill that is essential for success in academic and professional settings. Taking good notes can help you retain important information, organize your thoughts and ideas, and facilitate better comprehension of complex topics. However, note-taking requires more than just jotting down everything that comes to mind; it involves preparing yourself mentally and physically to absorb information effectively. In this section, we will discuss some tips on how to prepare for effective note-taking.

Also Read: The Power of Writing Things Down: How it Can Transform Your Life

Essential tools and equipment for note-taking:

As someone who takes a lot of notes, I’ve found that having the right tools and equipment is essential for staying organized and retaining information. I write everything in obsidian, a note-taking app that allows me to create, link easily, and search notes. This tool helps me quickly capture ideas and thoughts while providing a reliable system for later accessing and reviewing my notes.

Additionally, I try to keep my workspace clean and free from distractions, which helps me to stay focused and engaged with my note-taking process. Overall, having the right tools and environment can make a big difference in how effectively you are able to take notes and retain information.

1. Setting up your workspace for note-taking:

I struggled to find a suitable workspace when I started taking notes. I found that a quiet location with minimal distractions was crucial for concentrating. Good lighting and comfortable seating also helped me stay focused for longer periods. It’s important to keep all necessary materials within reach to avoid interruptions in the note-taking process. By setting up a dedicated workspace for note-taking, you can improve your productivity and make the most out of your study sessions.

2. Pre-class preparation and organization:

Before each class, I prepare by reviewing the syllabus and reading assigned materials. This helps me anticipate upcoming topics and better understand the material. I also create a note-taking template or structure to follow during class, which helps me stay organized and focused. Through trial and error, I’ve found that this method works best for me and has helped me succeed in my studies.

3. Avoiding distractions during online classes:

Getting distracted by notifications or other device programs can be easy during online classes or courses. To avoid this, I close any unnecessary tabs or programs on my computer and turn off notifications on my phone. I also told my family members not to disturb me during class time. This helps me stay focused and engaged in the class or online course material.

The ability to concentrate and to use your time well is everything if you want to succeed in business–or almost anywhere else for that matter.

– Lee Iacocca.

Strategies for Effective Note-Taking – 6 Simple Steps to Take Notes During Online Classes

Here are some steps to Take Notes During Online Courses and Classes:

strategies for Effective Note-Taking - 6 Simple Steps to Take Notes During Online Classes

Step 1: Choose a note-taking method that works for you

When it comes to effective note-taking, there is no one-size-fits-all method. Choosing a method that works best for you and your learning style is important. I prefer the Cornell method as it allows me to organize and review my notes later easily. However, others may find the mind map or outline method more helpful. Don’t be afraid to experiment with different methods until you find the best one.

Step 2: Use an organized system for note-taking

One of the most important things about effective note-taking is having an organized system in place. This means creating a structure for your notes that makes sense and allows for easy reviewing later. This means using headings and bullet points to break up my notes and ensure I don’t miss any important information.

By failing to prepare, you are preparing to fail.

– Benjamin Franklin

This also rings true for note-taking – creating an organized system will lead to better retention and understanding of the material.

Step 3: Use headings and subheadings to organize information

When taking notes effectively, headings and subheadings can make all the difference. Breaking up information into smaller sections makes it easier to digest and remember. I find that using headings helps me to stay focused and engaged during lectures or presentations. It also makes it easier for me to review my notes when I need to study for exams or assignments.

Step 4: Use bullet points or numbering for important details

Using bullet points or numbering can be a game-changer when taking effective notes. It helps to highlight important details and make them stand out from the rest of the information. This method works well for me when capturing key points during a lecture or presentation. I also use it when reading a textbook or article and need to summarize the main ideas. Using bullet points or numbering, we can ensure that we remember the most important details even after the lecture or presentation.

Step 5: Highlight or bold important information as needed

I find that using headings and bullet points helps me to digest and remember information better. I also highlight or bold important details to make them stand out. For instance, during a lecture on history, I used this method to take notes on the events that led up to the American Revolution. Summarizing the key points helped me remember them later when studying for exams.

Step 6: Use online tools to enhance your note-taking experience.

As someone who loves taking notes, I always look for ways to make the process more efficient and effective. I highly recommend using online tools to enhance your note-taking experience. These tools can help you organize your notes, add multimedia elements like images and videos, and even collaborate with others in real time. I use Obsidian, Evernote and OneNote to keep all my notes easily accessible. It has saved me time and effort when studying or reviewing my notes for exams or projects. By using online tools to enhance your note-taking experience, you’re setting yourself up for success in the future.

Reviewing and Revising Your Notes

As someone who struggled with retaining information from notes, I’ve realised the importance of regularly reviewing and revising them. Doing so can refresh my memory on the content and catch any missed details. One strategy that has worked for me is to condense my notes into a more organized and concise format.

This saves me time when reviewing and helps with retention, as I can easily identify key points. Additionally, actively engaging with the material through practice problems or discussion helps solidify my understanding.


In conclusion, note-taking is a crucial skill for success in online classes. As I have experienced, good notes can distinguish between understanding and confusion. We discussed the importance of active listening, organizing notes effectively, and reviewing them regularly. You can create a personalized system that works for you by following these key points. Remember to stay engaged during class and avoid passive note-taking. Finally, don’t be afraid to experiment with different methods until you find what works best. Happy note-taking!

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Fassih Fayyaz
Fassih Fayyaz

Fassih Fayyaz is a student and part-time affiliate and digital marketer. He is doing online marketing by Creating Several Websites And Youtube Channel on the internet and he loves blogging.